"Howl's Moving Castle is recommended but not highly recommended i'm not that big fan of these one Moribito didn't see it"
"try these it (rely super fucking series hard) http://qrostar.skr.jp/"
"Try these games to ----- New Super Mario Bros Sonic Colours Rayman Origins (but if you had PS3 or Xbox360) HD) Lost in Shadow The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword Kirby's Epic Yarn "
"These great place for good free games http://www.youtube.com/user/slumlord27?feature=results_main http://www.youtube.com/user/bytejacker http://www.youtube.com/show/superindiespotlight http://www.you"
"if i made a list like the it will be the same i can't get into halo or any of the others Exapt GOW i like the story and angry birds i like Odin Sphere to"
"sorry but i think it will be beter list if you do the (one game from franchise rule) half the list is SF and KOF"
"ignor all anime have *** after it becuse thy so (Old anime you will not know it) 80's or older and have no ENG Sub or Dub 1. kino no tabi 2. Izenborg *** 3. Igano kapamaro *** 4. Sanshiro *** 5. One "
"I still love back to the futcher 2 and matrix 2+3"
"Is Song of the South that bad, after all it show that black man can teach kids for the 40's these is big deal that the idea of black man teach white kids i dont think it bad"
"that unnamed drag form ditictive conan Effects : make you small like a kid"
"i love these list i want to see jap films but don't know were to start can you add few words like good action fantasy ..."
"that remind my of anime was popular in my country call "conan futcher boy" 80's in the intro of each ep same one sat the WW3 hapen in 2008 and most land crsh under water ........" in 2008 evry one w"